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Closet Drop wants to give you as many ways to shop as ethically as possible – without losing any of your own sparkle. That’s why we’re pioneering a host of engaging and exciting shopping experiences with circularity at their heart. Discover more about how you can help close the loop on waste and recirculate fashion with this innovative shopping platform. With Closet Drop, you can rent your favourite styles from leading designers and brands. It’s the most convenient way to try out the latest looks, and shop with the planet in mind.


Hi and welcome to Closet Drop the premier destination for ethical and sustainable fashion rental in the digital age. We are proud to introduce a revolutionary concept that challenges the traditional notion of fashion consumption, emphasising the importance of renting over buying. Our mission is simple yet transformative: to empower fashion-conscious individuals to make a positive impact on the planet, one rental at a time.


At Closet Drop we understand that fashion plays a significant role in our lives, allowing us to express our individuality and creativity. However, the fast-paced nature of the industry has led to environmental degradation, exploitation of resources, and an ever-growing waste crisis. In response to these pressing concerns, we have embraced the principles of ethics and sustainability to pave the way for a more responsible and conscious fashion future.


By choosing to rent instead of buy, you become a part of the circular economy, a system that promotes reuse, reduces waste, and minimises our carbon footprint. The circular economy challenges the linear “take-make-waste” model and strives for a closed-loop system, where resources are kept in use for as long as possible. This shift is essential in mitigating the negative impact of fashion on the environment and creating a more sustainable world for future generations.

StephConway - About

Through our meticulously curated collection of garments and accessories, we offer you a guilt-free and delightful fashion experience. Our inventory features the latest trends from renowned designers, ensuring that you have access to high-quality, on-trend pieces without the need to buy and dispose of them after a few wears. By renting, you contribute to reducing textile waste, conserving water and energy, and decreasing the demand for new production.


At Closet Drop we believe that fashion should be enjoyed without compromising our values or the environment. By embracing the circular economy and choosing fashion rental, you can make a personal statement for change, embracing a more conscious and sustainable lifestyle. Join us on this transformative journey as we redefine the way we consume fashion, one rental at a time. Together, we can create a brighter future, where style meets sustainability.


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Ready-to-wear size guide

4 00 36 32 30 38 30 4 XXS
6 0 38 34 32 40 32 6 XS
8 2-4 40 36 34 42 34 8 S
10 4-6 42 38 36 44 36 10 M
12 8 44 40 38 46 38 12 M-L
14 10 46 42 40 48 40 14 L
16 12 48 44 42 50 42 16 XL
18 14 50 46 44 52 44 18 XXL
20 16 52 48 46 54 46 20 2XL
22 18 54 50 48 56 48 22 3XL
24 20 56 52 50 58 50 24 4XL
26 22 58 54 52 60 52 26 5XL
28 24 60 56 54 62 54 28 6XL
30 26 62 58 56 64 56 30 7XL
32 28 64 60 58 66 58 32 8XL

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